The Professional’s Pivot™

An advantage for creating long-lasting change.

Professional's Pivot

The Professional’s Pivot™ is a group program designed to support you as you take steps to pivot your career and, essentially, your life. Transitioning to a new role or industry is difficult. Having the support of an executive coach and peers in a group will increase your chances of success and help ease your overall journey.

Clients supported have transitioned:

  • From thinking about becoming an entrepreneur to launching a business

  • From working for a large company managing a team of 45 to working for a smaller company run like a start-up, managing a team of 2

  • To a dream job


How the group works:

Meeting virtually twice per month for 90 minutes, group members will articulate their vision, define their narrative, clear the obstacles on their path forward, and be supported as they take action toward their goals. 

In this safe and bold space, you will form deeper connections with your fellow group members. This space, this group, will allow you to be open, honest, and vulnerable.

Together you will gain clarity surrounding your vision and core values, increase your emotional intelligence, and gain insights to support building life-long skills like effective communication, confidence, accountability, and more.



The Details:

  • Two to ten members vetted and accepted into the group

  • Six-month commitment

  • Twelve, 90-minute virtual group sessions

  • One, one-hour remote individual session with Marsha Prospere, PCC ($500 value)

  • One TTI TriMetrix Report gaining insights into behavior, communication styles, internal motivators, and emotional intelligence ($2,100 value)

  • Life-long skills, tools, insights, and resources gained

  • Investment: $1,125 per month; pay upfront and save $750 on the total fee.; recruit a friend and save $750 on the total fee; promotions can be combined

Testimonial Professional's Pivot

“Marsha's coaching style is unique in that she was able to assist me in gaining self-awareness with clarity and kindness in refining my goals, achieving development objectives and acting as a sounding board when I hit roadblocks. What I connected with the most was that she also took the brave step from corporate infrastructure to starting her own business. Her personal experience allowed me to be more open and accepting during this process.  This was one of the most rewarding experiences that I have had as I learned new ways to respond effectively, leverage my strengths and most of all give myself compassion. I am proud to say that I am now a small business owner!  If you are brave, committed and curious, Marsha proves a magnificent catalyst to becoming who you want to be.”

-Entrepreneur & E-Commerce Executive


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Marsha Prospere, PCC

Founder, Executive Coach

Creating a brave space for contemplation, experimentation, and revolutionary change.

Through coaching and advising, Marsha guides her clients in navigating transition, expanding their leadership capabilities, and developing a culture that supports growth and scale without sacrificing the human. Her method and technique, provoke thought in an open, trusting, and safe space. Clients consistently report that after partnering with Marsha they have an increase in clarity, performance, and overall fulfillment. 

Marsha founded Adept Flow, an executive coaching and leadership advisory practice. She partners with founders, creative executives, and innovators to support their leadership development and help to create and maintain an engaged culture. Curiosity, Creativity, Connection & Engagement, and Growth are values that support the vision and mission of creating a brave space for contemplation, experimentation, and revolutionary change, positively impacting the world one human at a time.

Marsha leads the Rutgers University OneRED Leadership High-Impact Program for high-potential leaders and has over 800 hours of coaching. Marsha's expertise includes coaching, developing and facilitating training programs, and developing culture and teams.

Marsha has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, chatted with penguins in Ushuaia, and enjoys traveling, rowing, hiking, and spending time with family and friends.

Marsha Prospere

Photo Credit: Richard Louissaint


“Over the course of this past year, I had found myself losing confidence in my work and in myself, and struggling with focus and productivity. Given the opportunity to avail myself of Adept Flow’s services, I gladly accepted thinking it would provide me with a new perspective. Two months in and all I can say is … WOW!

Marsha Prospere has a gift. She brings a wealth of experience but every moment spent with her is personal. She listens. And, seemingly without even trying, has opened me up to a new way of seeing – myself, and others; at work, and in my every day. In turn, I HEAR differently. I am motivated to explore the “whats” and the “whys,” to set goals and to look forward. It’s not about what I could have done, it’s about what I can do …

Marsha is committed not just to this transformative process, but to ME. If you are considering entering into a coaching relationship, I wholeheartedly recommend Marsha and Adept Flow – it’s life-changing!”

-Leader in Higher education

Professional's Pivot

“I began working with Marsha 2.5 years ago. A mutual friend suggested I connect with her to clarify personal goals and essentially design a path forward. At first, I was reluctant. As time progressed, I could see the benefits of working with Marsha almost immediately! Over 2 years my salary has increased by $40k. I went from no savings to buying a house, working to survive to having a job that I value, and that values me. I also started a business—and I never thought I would have the guts to be an entrepreneur. 

Marsha is more than a life coach. She is equipped to help you (as she did me) see your full potential and forge a path to achieve it. If you’re second-guessing whether or not it’s worth it, think of it as an investment in yourself.”

-Entrepreneur and Digital strategist


“Marsha Prospere has been an amazing life coach who has forced me to stretch both personally and professionally during the year that we’ve been working together. Beyond developing habits that ensure a commitment to self-care and accountability, she has served as an excellent teacher who has instilled in me the power of creating a clearly articulated vision for every area of my life. I’ve grown from what was a very narrow view of entrepreneurship to developing a very clear plan to launch future business ventures as well as the courage and wisdom to enlist the support of others along the way. Marsha is an excellent person and I value our relationship deeply. I am grateful for her work in my life.”

-Foreign service officer


“I've known Marsha Prospere for more than twenty years.  Within the last year, I enlisted her services as an Executive Coach, I cannot convey enough the value she brings to the table. 

As a person who was experiencing a transition in both, career and life; I needed a coach that was going to challenge me, be honest, provide an objective perspective and ultimately, be someone I could trust. Marsha is all of these things. She pushes her clients to reflect deeply, think broadly, and connects them to resources that aids in and supports their professional development. 

Marsha is excellent at effectively communicating with her clients. She listens intently, and questions with intention as a vehicle for seeking to understand so that her client feels understood. Her utilization of emotional intelligence creates space for her clients to examine professional or, life experiences from another angle thus, inducing valuable learning lessons or key takeaways. 

Her understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion at the intersection of corporate culture, is another valuable lens that Marsha brings to her executive coaching services especially, for BIPOC professionals. 

Marsha is someone who goes above and beyond, is trustworthy, and deeply cares about the success- whatever that may look like, for the clients who employ her services. 

I highly recommend Marsha Prospere, Founder and Executive Coach of Adept Flow without hesitation.”

-Leader in health care

Professional's Pivot