Art Is Helping Me Process This Pandemic

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When I first looked at this photo of paint I was curious as to why I was drawn to this image. Especially as I’ve seen images like it before. I let my curiosity take over and soon I realized that this image is a good representation of the way I’ve been feeling during these pandemic times. This photo, its richness, its detail, its vibrancy, captures both shadow and light. When I look at this photo I see what I have been feeling. 

This visual range speaks to the span of my emotions as I navigate social distancing in the age of #coronavirus. Some emotions are dark, some are bright. Some feelings are cloaked in the shadow of fear, while others are brilliant and energetic representing my feelings of gratitude. The varying size of the droplets is akin to the intensity of my emotions. Sometimes so well-formed I feel like I could pick one up and hold it.  

Curious explorations like this help me articulate and process what I am feeling. I am able to acknowledge where I am in the moment. This helps me communicate and not stay in my head but rather (re)establish or maintain deep connections. 

These connections have been ever so beneficial to my soul. 

Join me and @sofiaadler_ on Tuesday, April 14th for an #InstagramLive conversation, Defying the Distance. We’ll talk about why communication is key to cultivating connection and how mindfulness and emotional intelligence can support you during these times.

Leave a comment or send me a private message and let me know: How are you exploring your current emotional state? How are you staying connected to yourself and others?

Be well.


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